A lot has been happening. We got the insurance deal worked out. Gonna be expen$ive but at least we’ll HAVE insurance. This morning Michelle got interviewed and photographed for a story in The Rage. Look for that soon. We’re going down to Atlanta to experience the Gift Market with our friend Angie from Knobstoppers (as a possible venue in our future) and also we’ll be visiting some art galleries to see if I want to approach anyone about showing my art in the ATL. I’ve been painting daily for the opening of Crema later this month.
And we get to find out our baby’s gender in a week and a half! I can’t wait for this, i HATE calling our baby an “IT” but sometimes that’s what happens because I can’t figure out what to say. Sometimes I switch back and forth with He or She. We really want to know … I think that will help make it even more real for us. Plus, I will finally let Michelle start registering for our baby shower :) I know lots of parents want to wait and be surprised at the birth by the gender of their baby. I get that, and that’s cool. Michelle and I think that for us, the birth itself will be a time full of surprises, so we’re on board to know as soon as possible. And then we can paint the nursery and all that stuff I can’t wait for.
This past month in particular have been very difficult. But things are looking up. The other day, Michelle returned the reporter’s call and left her a message. Less than a minute after hanging up, Michelle got a random call from a woman inquiring about a cake top! That freaked us out for the day. Something big is happening in our lives. We don’t know what it is, but I think that we’re in for a sea change. I feel like for the past 5 years, we’ve been struggling just to survive. 2008 will be no cakewalk, for sure, but I think it has all the potential of being the greatest year of our lives.
Well, the greatest year so far.