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Long time.

Yeah, it’s been a LONG time since I posted anything. And that’s stupid because SO MUCH has been going on. I’ve just been so busy with work, painting, baby-raising, husbanding, etc …

But since I posted last, the following items have been noteworthy:
• SEBO IS WALKING. He took his first 4 steps the evening of April 14th. He didn’t really walk much for the next week or so, but then he started taking even more steps and now he is walking better than I can.
• The Harding Art Show was cancelled at 10:15pm the night before we were scheduled to set up the show. It was very disheartening. But luckily it has been re-scheduled for the end of this month. Details coming soon.
• Mother’s Day. It was Michelle’s first. The three of us went to the zoo, shared a moment with a giraffe, and enjoyed having some lorikeets walking on our shoulders and trying to eat Michelle’s hair. It was a lot of fun!
• My brother’s house just barely escaped getting hit by the Good Friday tornadoes in Murfreesboro. Most of the houses on his street were destroyed.
• Michelle and I are coming up with ideas left and right for art/business ventures that we are really excited about.
• Sebo’s first birthday is less than a month away. WHAT?
• Michelle’s mom’s house has been on the market in Columbia since February. Having your house on the market takes a lot of work because you have to keep it ready to be shown at the drop of a hat. And she has a dog and a special needs child who lives at home. She works half and hour away in Cool Springs. Two weeks ago she broke her leg. NOT COOL.
• One of my older brothers in Seattle is getting married in just over a week.
• Happy about an unexpected Adam vs. Kris American Idol finale. I will be happy if either wins, although I will say that Adam has been LEAGUES ahead of everyone else the entire season, and he will be one of the most successful Idol artists ever. But I really do like Kris a lot. If he does in the finale what he did with that Kanye West song, he might have a serious shot.

That’s all I can think of for now. Gotta get back to work. I’m sure I’m missing a bunch.

1 thought on “Long time.”

  1. Hmm, coming up with ideas for art/business ventures, eh? Do any of these ideas have anything to do with starting a rap group with yours truly? :)

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