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Donuts for Dads

Today is the day. It’s the type of day you begin to dream about after you come home from the hospital. Long after the sleepless nights have ended and diapers are just a memory, the day has finally come when we throw caution to the wind and tell saturated fat and ridiculous amounts of refined sugar they don’t matter today. Because today, my friends, is “Donuts for Dads” day at pre-school. Dads from near and far get to call in to work and tell The Man to shove it, because instead of working we are going to sit down in miniature chairs at tiny tables with our sons and our daughters, eating mounds of gooey donuts stacked higher than the Tower of Babel, getting our freshly-pressed shirts covered in powdered sugar and chocolate sprinkles. With so many dads there at one time, there will likely be a pushup contest and other feats of strength. Oh, and it also happens to be Wear-Your-Pajamas-And-Bring-A-Teddy-Bear-To-School Day for the kids. Is there a better way to spend fifteen to twenty minutes of your time as a parent?

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