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Claritin Clear.

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Sebo has allergies. Crap. A few days ago he had started coughing. It went back and forth between being wet and dry, but over the course of a few days it just seemed to be getting worse, not better. My mom thought it seemed like allergies. No. not possible, he’s THREE. This is just a cold that he’ll get over, right? Well, yesterday I took him to the pediatrician and she checked him out and concluded that it seemed like allergies. Most likely to Ragweed since that’s what’s really bad right now.

I’ve had allergy problems as long as I can remember. So has everybody in my family. So has pretty much everybody I know, come to think of it. I had hoped feeding Sebo organic milk would have helped scare off the allergies, but I guess not. Who knows, maybe they would be way worse if he’d had regular milk all this time? Or maybe one has nothing to do with the other. But I do know this: unfortunately I think Tennessee is the culprit. Air quality here is some of the worst in the country. When we drive down to the Gulf Coast for vacation, my head clears up. When we drive back home, the moment we cross the Alabama state line back into Tennessee, my eyes water, my nose fills up with goo, and the sneezing begins. So while our dream life resides at the coast, for now we are raising our sneezy family in Music City, and so unfortunately, I believe we are destined to be a Claritin Home. Or at least the Target-brand generic version.

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