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Blue Heron

Every morning I get up and take the dogs out. We have a field nearby with trees and a creek that actually has water running through it, since we’ve had so much rain lately. Yesterday morning, the girls stopped in their tracks and began sniffing in the air, then started pulling me in the direction of the water. I followed, cautiously, since apparently there have been wild coyotes roaming around Bellevue (reminds me of Lady in the Water) and as we approached this large bush near the water, there was a big rustling sound, lots of movement, and then this enormous blue bird appeared, flapping its giant wings as it ascended into the sky. It seemed to be moving in slow motion as it rose higher, just above the treetops, and the dogs and I stood there mesmerized as we watched it slowly fly away.

We saw the same thing happen again this morning. I assume its the same giant blue heron. What was really cool about this experience is that it made me think how little, as adults, we get to see things like this and just get to stand there in awe of something. We feel like we have things figured out by this point (well, I’ve heard that people exist who have things figured out, certainly not me, and probably not you either) and that there are very few surprises left.But this morning reminded me that life is not about working and paying bills and cleaning your house. If those things were that important, I don’t believe life would be THAT worth living. This morning I was reminded of a very simple feeling, one that I was able to share with the dogs, and that’s the feeling that there’s something bigger going on in the world than just the deadlines in front of my nose.

Seven or eight years ago, Michelle and I went to San Diego and visited the Wildlife Sanctuary. While we were there, we visited the area where they have the elephants. The platform where you stand is several feet above the tops of their heads, and they have those binoculars that take quarters that I never use. When we got to this one section, there was a small group of people standing, and we could see one elephant off in the distance. When we showed up, I guess we killed the party, because they left. So we just stood there together, watching this elephant from afar. Then Michelle decided to start talking to him. And he looked over at us. So Michelle talked to him more (not shouting at him or anything, just a soft, conversational tone) and he started walking toward us. It was a slow swagger, but the elephant kept coming closer, and Michelle and I were standing very still, and were giddy with excitement, and the elephant finally came right up to us. We couldn’t touch him, because we were too high up, but here we were, the two of us (dating at the time) completely alone with this elephant who was looking at us. He was ginormous. And breathtaking. It was one of those moments that I don’t think Michelle and I will ever forget, it was a moment that may have lasted a few minutes but seemed like a long time, but we were able to stand there completely in awe at this creation in front of us. Who was having a moment with us.

Note to Futureson: Immerse yourself in the wonder. I know at first that everything will be new and mysterious, and PLEASE never stop seeking out and embracing the mystery. You don’t have to know or understand everything, just please never let it stop being able to knock you over with a feather.

4 thoughts on “Blue Heron”

  1. Dude, blue herons are huge! They remind me of pterodactyls (not that I’ve seen a pterodactyl in person).

    Anyways – we should all take Sebo and Luke to the zoo someday and all be in wonder together for a little while. That would be a lot of fun …

  2. I’ll never forget the time I went to the zoo and happened to see a giraffe in the middle of giving birth. I was in college at the time, and yet it was a truly awe-inspiring moment. Well, not moment, because it took a freaking long time for the baby to finally come out, but it was way cool anyway!

  3. “Note to Futureson: Immerse yourself in the wonder. I know at first that everything will be new and mysterious, and PLEASE never stop seeking out and embracing the mystery. You don’t have to know or understand everything, just please never let it stop being able to knock you over with a feather.”

    I needed that today! Good advise for everyone. I’m calling Oprah, she needs to hook you up!

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