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Art, etc.

We’ve been staying busy around here, as usual. I’m coming up on one year of working at home, for myself. And while its had its share of challenges, I feel extremely lucky be able to do it and be around Michelle and Sebo all day. But business is going very, very well. We have great clients!

As you might know, I began working with an art rep back around mid-June. She has been AMAZING, and in less than three months she has gotten my work in a number of new venues in Middle Tennessee, Chattanooga, Alabama, Florida, and California. I’m shipping to Chicago as soon as I can get the art painted, and there will be many more new places on the way.

Michelle and I are collaborating on a new show for the first time in 3 years. It will be called “Giant Scary Monsters” and it opens September 12th at Nashville’s Smallest Art Gallery. It’s going to be awesome! Be prepared to come to the opening and stand awkwardly on the sidewalk in front of the gallery which is, quite literally, a solar-powered box on the wall.

Finally, a new website is on the way. For both of us. For everything. Because we have time to design such things.

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